Nov. 14, 2024

Respectful Dialogue on Conservation, Animal Rights, and Climate Change

Respectful Dialogue on Conservation, Animal Rights, and Climate Change

Tommy Serafinski is our guest on the Outdoor Adventure Series podcast today. Tommy is a seasoned outdoor enthusiast and the host of Tommy's Outdoors: Conservation and Science Podcast.

Tommy is originally from Poland but now calls the beautiful County Kerry in Ireland his home. His journey has led him to a profound appreciation for nature and an in-depth understanding of the complexities of conservation, including the natural environment, biodiversity, conservation, hunting and fishing, rewilding, and more.

In this episode, Tommy shares his insights on fostering meaningful dialogue about animal rights, hunting's paradoxes, and global climate change debates.


The Complexity of Conservation — Tommy Serafinski [00:06:10 → 00:06:47]

The Complexity of Trophy Hunting — Tommy Serafinski [00:08:26 → 00:08:54]

On Conservation and Complexity — Tommy Serafinski [00:09:17 → 00:09:39]

The Impact of Seals on Fishing Communities — Tommy Serafinski [00:13:43 → 00:14:10]

The European Union's Wolf Protection Debate — Tommy Serafinski [00:14:49 → 00:14:58]

Empowering Conversations — Tommy Serafinski [00:20:29 → 00:20:36]

Building Bridges, Not Walls — Tommy Serafinski [00:21:26 → 00:23:05]

Having Climate Change Conversations — Tommy Serafinski [00:26:30 → 00:26:45]

Educate Yourself on Climate Change — Tommy Serafinski [00:29:59 → 00:30:11]

The Nature of Science — Tommy Serafinski [00:32:02 → 00:33:18]


To learn more about Tommy, his work, and his podcast, visit his website at


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Tommy Serafinski, Conservation, Animal rights, Climate Change Debates, Conservation vs Commercial interests, Wildlife and Climate Change, Tommy's Outdoors: Conservation and Science Podcast, Howard Fox, Outdoor Adventure Series, Podcast Interview, PodMatch

#TommySerafinski #Conservation #AnimalRights #ClimateChangeDebates  #ConservationVsCommercialinterests #WildlifeandClimateChange #Tommy'sOutdoorsConservationandSciencePodcast #OutdoorAdventure #HowardFox #OutdoorAdventureSeries #PodcastInterview #PodMatch

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