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A Journey Through Bozeman: Adventure, Food, and History
A Journey Through Bozeman: Adventure, Food, and History
A Journey Through Bozeman: Adventure, Food, and History Welcome to another exciting episode of the Outdoor Adventure Series! Today, we have…
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March 6, 2025

A Journey Through Bozeman: Adventure, Food, and History

A Journey Through Bozeman: Adventure, Food, and History

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Outdoor Adventure Series! Today, we have the pleasure of catching up with Amy Grisak, a Montana native and returning guest who brings a wealth of knowledge as an outdoor enthusiast, freelance writer, photographer, and accomplished author. 

Amy takes us on a journey through her latest book, "100 Things to Do in Bozeman Before You Die." In this episode, we dive deep into Amy's year-long adventure, exploring Bozeman and uncovering its hidden gems, local history, and delectable food scenes. From breathtaking hikes and serene river floats to tantalizing food trucks and historic tours, Amy shares her insights and adventure-filled recommendations for making the most of Bozeman's four-season offerings.


  1. Writing "100 Things to Do in Bozeman Before You Die" revealed a new aspect of Bozeman that Amy had never known. 
  2. The impact of recent growth in Bozeman, particularly with the Yellowstone series and the pandemic. How do cultural phenomena contribute to the popularity of specific destinations?
  3. The various outdoor activities that are available in and around Bozeman.
  4. Insights into Bozeman’s history include figures like John Bozeman and Story Nelson and why understanding the history of a place is essential when exploring or writing a guidebook.
  5. How the integration of local ingredients influences the dining experience in Bozeman.
  6. How the farmer’s markets in Bozeman contribute to the local economy and community spirit
  7. Bozeman is a four-season town with activities throughout the year, which makes it attractive to potential residents and visitors.
  8. The discovery that even long-time residents of Bozeman weren't aware of some activities she wrote about.
  9. How the collaboration between publishers and local experts enhances the quality and authenticity of travel guidebooks.


To learn more about Amy and her work, visit her website at https://amygrisak.com and on these social sites:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amy.grisak/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amygrisak/
Substack: https://amygrisak.substack.com


If you enjoy podcasts devoted to outdoor adventure, find us online at https://outdooradventureseries.com. We welcome likes, comments, and shares.


Amy Grisak, Visit Bozeman, Reedy Press, Montana State University, Gallatin Valley, Fly Fishing, Big Sky, Bridger Bowl, The Bridgers, Gallatin History Museum, Historic Tours, Outdoor Adventure Series, Podcast Interview

#AmyGrisak #VisitBZN #ReedyPress #MontanaStateUniversity #GallatinValley #FlyFishing #BigSky #BridgerBowl #TheBridgers #GallatinHistoryMuseum #HistoricTours  #OutdoorAdventure #OutdoorAdventureSeries #PodcastIng

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